Columbia Basin Racquet Ball Club
Project included construction of a pool mechanical building with a roof top terrace, bath house/ concession building, construction of a new Lazy River Pool and replacement of an existing concrete pool deck. Project was installed in CBRC’s existing parking lot next to their main entrance. Logistic to were closely coordinated with the club due to the large number of members entering the club near the project. Just in time deliveries had to be made due to the limited lay down and site traffic from club membership.
- All
- Design-Bid-Build
- Design-Build

PNNL Hangar

Quincy City Hall

Quincy Fire Station

Richland Fire Station 75

Systems Engineering Building

CBC Health Science Center

Richland Fire Station 73

Barbara Mclintock STEM Elementary School

3860 Building Construction

Tri-Tech Addition

Hanford Reach Interpretive Center

General Purpose Chemistry Lab

CBRC Health and Wellness Locker Room Remodel

LIGO Exploration Center

Paintmaster Services New Office and Shops

Columbia Basin College Medical Science Center Dental Hygiene Laboratory

H&N Electric/Timken

TRI-CU Credit Union