We safely provide quality, and timely delivered construction projects to clients so that they can be successful in their mission.


Contact Us

502 Stevens Drive, Richland WA 99352


(509) 946-6188

Jim Purdom

Jim Purdom

Safety Manager

Jim holds a Certified Health & Safety Degree/ US Army Corps of Engineers Q/A Management for Contractors. Jim started out as a craft worker in the field moving his way up to Construction Superintendent and has held this position for over 30 years. Jim then made the transition to DGR’s Safety Manager in 2016.

Jim is responsible for Safety Oversight for the company, developing job hazard analyses’, job site Inspections for both safety and quality control.

In Jim’s free time, he enjoys home projects and spending time with family and friends, playing golf, spending time at the beach, playing cards, fishing, barbeque and outdoor games.

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